Evlampy Romanova: The delicate spouse of the oligarch: review

If you take a suspicious literary source, blind from it a television series, and then create a game based on film adaptation, you will get something like adventure “Evlampy Romanov. The delicate husband of the oligarch “.

At first there were novels Daria Dontsova. The author generally likes to give his heroines unusual names, but a rain-offer named lamp was out of competition. Then Yevlampy got “on TV”, where she managed to win the love of a female audience. And finally, CreativeDream Studio Give Romanova Game Life. By the way, for developers, this is not the first experience of contact with the Dontsovsky masterpieces. Previously, they have already released the quest “Dasha Vasilieva: Personal case of women-cats”.

On the influence of red (color) on gray (substance)

It seems that in the battalion of red-haired women investigators-replenishment. In the series, Evlampy was different, including almost a blonde. And here-walks with a fiery-orange head, like all other heroines of detective adventure. It is not known why most developers have red hair color with mind and quick wit – but the fact remains.

Initially, the detective genre originated in the patriarchal world, where the woman was assigned the honorary role of the apartment mistress of the great detective. In extreme cases – secretaries. Even a certain tradition has developed – to portray geniuses of deduction by incorrigible bachelors. Sherlock Holmes, Erkul Poiro, later – Niro Wulf – all these worthy gentlemen did not need female assistance.

Then Miss Marpl appeared with her subtle mind, English stiffness and unique charm. And – it began. Numerous imitators, not as talented as Agatha Christie, But therefore no less stubborn, decided that a rain man in the narrative was not a place at all. From the classic detective, the “ladies’ detective”. That is, in fact, a lady novel, slightly sprinkled with a detective plot line. Moreover, if in literature and cinema both genres peacefully coexist, then in the world Advenchur with a large margin is the leader of the Damsky detective. We are already used to the fact that the main detective is certainly a girl, always beautiful, very often – red. Fire -headed clerks operate in The Legend of Crystal Valley, Secret Files and Memento Mori. In the Still Life and Art of Murder series, the main characters are brunettes, but this is not reflected. The nature and manners of all detective miss are absolutely the same.

However, just the heroine is not enough intellectual abilities. All the troubles in which she gets – her hands are business. Romanova meekly allows her friend Milena to fall home with her boyfriend – the alleged oligarch – and sit there until an enviable groom is discouraged by the offer of his hand and heart. The bride is convinced that the “rich” travels on an old collapse and dresses like a homeless person only to find a disinterested woman. Suppose Milena is not embarrassed by neither a pleasantly reprimand of his beloved, nor his frankly unsportsmanlike figure. But the great detective of the lamp could and quickly suspect something was amiss. Despite the fact that the essence of the intrigue is clear to us from the very beginning.

However, this is not the only puncture of Evlampia. Can a smart and cautious woman for no reason tell a completely unfamiliar guy about all her affairs for today, saying that she will not have anyone at home in the near future? And then is it worth it to be surprised that the apartment was quickly cleaned!

As a result of an unlucky lamp, you have to simultaneously unravel several detective balls. In addition to his own problems, the detective manages to discover several other people’s secrets, which ultimately still turns into adventures on the second Romanov ninety.

Dogs, school, oligarch

The threads stick out of the plot in all directions. White, black, red and whatever. Heroes behave illogical and strange. Each new remark in the dialog leads to a sharp change in mood, communication style and character behavior. Even the unfortunate homeless person, to whom the lamp throws money in exchange for information, instead of “thank you” (what would be logical, because Evlampy lives in the neighborhood, and perhaps the last time helps the ruble) says: “Ah, extra loot! Come here!»Isn’t it that such a reaction to charity should be expected from a beggar living in a trash?

Fortunately, conversations do not affect the gameplay completely: if the character agreed to chat with us, then he will give the necessary information earlier or later, regardless of the replicas of Evlampia. There are no problems with passage either: everything is clear, logical, correct. And very standard. We feed the dog, we charge a mobile phone, analyze notes from everyone in a row (yes, in the age of the Internet and SMS, the heroes of Advenchura still write paper letters in industrial quantities). Multiple searches of a variety of keys from caskets, bedside tables, sheds are interspersed with tedious runes in the surrounding territories – from character to character. By the way, the lamp does not know how to run, just walk. Sometimes, I want to start it with something-you can’t be so decisive-honey! Thank you that at least the transitions between the screens can be accelerated. There are few puzzles in the game, and, for the most part, they are elementary. Do not seriously consider digital combinations on code locks: just find the right piece of paper where everything is written – and please, the casket just opens.

The only difficulty that the player may encounter in the process of passage is insufficient illumination of active objects. Meet pixelhanting how it is: sometimes finding some dirty greenish bin in a very dark corner than solving the heels of the puzzle. And if we are talking about a small object like an inconspicuous key on a door jamb – then our business is gone in general.

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Inversely, promised by the developers, “Photorealistic graphics” in fact turned out to be a zilch. Interiors’ details, the game of shadows – really good. But the characters! Disturbed figures with all existing shortcomings of posture, angular movements, missing facial expressions-such a set of disadvantages, the average games could usually “boast” 5-7 years ago.

If only the appearance of the heroes inspired pity, it would not be so scary yet. However, there is also voice acting. Initially, stroke dialogs performed by sun actors sound simply disgustingly false and unnatural. Especially when creatures “from the people” like watchmen, homeless people and other watchmen begin to spew out archaic expressions in the spirit of the Chekhov coach. All these “led”, “which”, “hitherto” and the like, to put it mildly, do not fit with the image of a modern person, even if an elderly. And the great maxims of the Lamp itself like “Volga flows into the Caspian Sea” in large doses of anyone can lead to rabies. IN “The gentle wife of the oligarch” Dosage, frankly, horse.

The lack of taste and sense of proportion is a heavy, almost incurable ailment. “Evlampy Romanov. The delicate husband of the oligarch “ – A visual aid for the symptoms of this disease. There are many plot lines, it is played easy, almost no need to think. In the dry residue – zero.

Pros: simple, understandable gameplay;A slightly non -linear plot.
Cons: false dialogs;unnatural plot “seams”;the day before yesterday;cheap voice acting;standards and templates in everything;Hard pixelhanting.

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